Funding and Skills Programs for Victorian Businesses

At the National Skills Institute, we understand the importance of funding and support programs for businesses in Victoria. The Australian Government has introduced various initiatives to assist employers who take on apprentices or trainees, providing generous financial incentives.

We are here to provide guidance and support, whether you’re looking to upskill your workforce or explore traineeships and apprenticeships.

Funding for Businesses

The Australian Government has introduced a number of initiatives to assist employers who take on an Australian apprentice (also known as a traineeship). These initiatives provide generous financial incentives to eligible employers.

The National Skills Institute has strong relationships with government-contracted Australian Apprenticeship Support Network providers (AASN) and works closely with these organisations to keep up to date with all the funding and incentive opportunities that may be available to you. Further details are available at Australian Apprenticeships.

In addition to the Australian Government’s incentives, the State Government also provides a range of incentives to employers who employ trainees. These include work cover exemptions and completion bonuses; conditions apply.

The Victorian Skills First Program

There is no better time to start gaining new skills or upgrading your existing ones to help you get the job or promotion you want.

Funded by the Federal and Victorian Government, Skills First is making vocational education and training more accessible to people who do not hold a post-school qualification, or who want to gain a higher level qualification than they already hold.


Are you eligible?

If you are an Australian citizen, a holder of a permanent visa or a New Zealand citizen, you may be eligible for a government-subsidised place in a vocational training course.

You can go to the Victorian Skills Gateway website to check whether you may be eligible.

Your eligibility will be determined by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) when you enrol in a vocational training course. Some RTOs do not have access to government-subsidised training places and charge a full fee for service rates. Most of our courses are funded for eligible Victorians, so choose carefully! 

Traineeships & Apprenticeships

Engineer calculate and sketch the drawing of construction building.

Traineeships and apprenticeships are structured training programs comprising a mixture of core and elective units delivered as either on or off-the-job training, along with practical experience gained on the job. Traineeships and apprenticeships are nationally recognised and industry-endorsed pathways to attaining qualifications.

With or without the Traineeship and Apprenticeship Program, we can assist you to:

If you require further information on Traineeships / Apprenticeships and Government incentives, Contact Us or your local AASN provider.

Call National Skills Institute on 03 9996 9889 to learn more about funding, incentives and traineeships/apprenticeships in Victoria.